Monday, 5 July 2021


 Last week me and my family went for a trip up north for 2 weeks in a car. It took us 16 hours to get there. But when we were hathway there we saw lots of people crowding next to a big red light. So my family and I decided to  go and see what's happening. When we got out of the car we saw huge waves splashing on the side of the rocks It was like a tsunami.The big waves were wetting everyone because it was so big I tried to run away from it but it still got me and  my family wet. Luckily we had some spare  clothes in  the car. After we all got changed we got in the car and kept on going on our trip.

Monday, 28 June 2021

area and perimeter of a house

 Area and perimeter of a house Screen Shot 2016-09-13 at 7.00.00 PM.png

  • We are learning to find the area and perimeter of different rooms in a house. 


Area is the number of square metres in the shape. 

We can work this out by multiplying the sides. 

SxS= Area 


The area of this shape is 6m2.


Perimeter is the distance around the outside of the shape. 

we work this out by adding the sides together. 

S+S+S+S = Perimeter. 

2+3+2+3= 10m

The perimeter of this shape is 10m. 


What is the area? 4


What is the perimeter? 8



What is the area? 8

What is the perimeter? 16


What is the area? 24

What is the perimeter? 48 

Bedroom one

What is the area? 15

What is the perimeter?30

Bedroom two

What is the area? 10

What is the perimeter? 20

Bedroom three

What is the area? 36

What is the perimeter? 18 

Living room 

What is the area? 72

What is the perimeter? 18

Swimming pool 

What is the area? 55

What is the perimeter?  110


  • Your challenge is to find the area of the whole house. You will need to add the side of the  rooms to work out the sides of the house. Remember that the pool is outside and should not be included. 

Screen Shot 2016-09-13 at 7.00.00 PM.png

What is the area of the house? Show all working. 309

Magic show

 BBC World Service - The Evidence, How magic tricks reveal how we think

Last week Friday in the afternoon Pt England school had a magic started off with a welcoming then he had done one trick after that trick he had done more tricks my favorite trick was when he brund in the middle of the book and shut the book again and out came a bird. And after 2 or 3 tricks he would talk about healthy eating then he did one more trick and it was the end of the show.


Friday, 25 June 2021

Rugby game story


On the 23 of june 2021 at 12:30 PM Pt England school went on the bus  to go to a rugby game against Dilworth school we were lucky to have a game of rugby against DilWorth.on the way to Dilworth school on the bus we were all singing songs and saying charts too when we got off the bus and we walked to go to uor spot to set up our gear.It was a home game for dil worth.the game was fun because each team had a score and both teams were showing sportsmanship to each other. It was a good game against DilWorth because it was almost  a tie game. At the end of the game we shook hands. So I want to say thank you to DilWorth school for inviting us to play against them at their home ground.

Friday, 4 June 2021


 FIA FIA             

Best group and why?

The group that I liked was the samoan group because their uniform and their moves were outstanding.

Favourite part?

My favourite part was when I got to see what other people were wearing in their group. 

Something I learned?

What I learned was when I get a gift you must be thankful. 

Next time what group?

Next time I would like to go to the samoan group because it will be fun to try something new.

Wednesday, 14 April 2021

My letter If I was in the war

Dear Lorenzo, 

I have now arrived in and currently  in war  and it is pretty hard work here  but i hope you and your family are ok and i hope i will see you guys soon. It has been very hard for us because  2M of us that died from the disease because our clothes were getting dirty and that's what brang the diseases cause our clothes were too dirty and if it’s dirty then we will get sick.2M of us died from the diseases and some of us died because our  enemies were on top of the cliffs and they were shooting down at us from the top of the cliffs. And the food is kind of cookd and it’s very hard we get a hard cracker  some jam  some tea some cheese and a onion.  then we had to build our own homes and we had to sleep sitting up and it was really uncomfortable.

I have now arrived in and currently  in war  and it is pretty hard work here  but i hope you and your family are ok and i hope i will see you guys soon. It has been very hard for us because  2M of us that died from the disease because our clothes were getting dirty and that's what brang the diseases cause our clothes were too dirty and if it’s dirty then we will get sick.2M of us died from the diseases and some of us died because our  enemies were on top of the cliffs and they were shooting down at us from the top of the cliffs. And the food is kind of cookd and it’s very hard we get a hard cracker  some jam  some tea some cheese and a onion and we had to build our own homes and we had to sleep sitting up and it was really uncomfortable.

BY: Paul

Wednesday, 7 April 2021

Marshmallow and spaghetti stick challenge

Task Description: in home class we got to do a marshmallow and spaghetti stick challenge and there were 6 groups. It was to make the tallest tower from 20 marshmallows and as many spaghetti sticks as we can. I was in a group with Francis, Sheldon and me. We did make a tall tower at the first attempt but it fell so we built it again and had a tie with the other team.


Monday, 29 March 2021

Te Reo Ngā tau


Abuot me


Hello greetings talofa lava my name is Paul this is my first year for a year 8. i attended pt england school in 2018.


I was born and raised here in Auckland in a little suburb called Onehunga.  It was my hometown when I was couture is samoa tuvalu but when i was growing up i never learned my tuvalu couture only my samoa couture. then me and my family had to move here in glen innes short for gi. I have been staying in gi  for 4 years. It has been good staying here in gi.

When I was at Onehunga my first school was te papapa primary and I've been there since I was a year one and left when I was a year 4. to come here to pt england school in 2018 it has been a very good time here at pt england.  it is going to be a bit sad this year  because it is my last year here in pt england school 


I have two younger sisters, two older sisters and two older brothers plus me, so that makes 7 of us siblings  plus  mum & dad and nana and I have two dogs. But my older brother lives a bit far from us six sibling only comes sometimes to visit us the only reason why he is a bit far it's because he's living with his girlfriend and his daughter that was born last year   


I enjoy having walks with  my dog around the block and love to hang out with my family and friends. I also like to play different kinds of sports at school or out of school sports and also love to do different kinds of art.  

Thursday, 11 March 2021

Adding Decimals 1.

 Adding Decimals 1.

Add the decimals and whole numbers to answer the questions below. Remember to show your working you can do this by writing it in the document or inserting a photo. 


Working and answer 

0.5 + 0.4=


0.6 + 0.3=


0.4 + 0.1=


0.6 + 0.5=


2.3 + 1.2=


3.3 + 2.5 =


6.3 + 2.6=


6.3 + 5.5=


14.6 + 3.7=


7.8 + 5.6=


4.3 + 5.6=


.7 + 4.6 =7


6.2 + 5.9 =


7.9 +2.7=


In these questions, try subtracting decimals. 


Working and answer

0.8 -0.2 =


0.4 - 0.1 =


1.6 - 0.3 =


2.6 - 0.2 =


4.9 - 1.7 =


Tuesday, 23 February 2021

$ word problem20

 $Word Problems

-Read the problem carefully

-Show your working for each problem. You can do this by taking a photo of your working or typing it in the box. 

1. Tom cycles 197 km on day 1 of his journey then another 235km on day two. How far did he cycle? If his final destination is 563 km from the start how far has he got left to cycle on day 3?


2. Nessie is buying drinks for the school social. The drinks come in packets of 12. She decides to get 8 packets. How many drinks has she got to sell?


3. Tami had 242 cards but lost 179 at school. How many has he got left?


4. The first ⅔ of each senior class to bring their permission slips got to go to a special concert in the hall. Room 24 has 33 students, Room 25 has 27 students Room 28 has 30 and Room 20 has 24. How many students went?


5. How many people went to the show altogether? On Monday there were 794 and on Tuesday there were 627? 


6. There were 152 cars in the carpark. Then 89 left. How many were left in the carpark?


7.  I had 5 chocolate bars to share between my 2 friends and me. How much chocolate did we get each?


8. There were  7 boxes of C.D at the shop. Each box had 25 C.D’s in it. How many C.D’s were there altogether?


8. Hannah went to the dairy and bought a chocolate bar that was $1.50, and she also bought a lamington that was $2.20c. How much did she pay altogether?


9. Peni went to the supermarket with $10, he bought a loaf of bread that cost $1.80c a bottle of milk that was $2.50c and 2 bags of chips that were $1.50c each.  How much change did he get?


10. Roman was measuring how tall he was, last week he measured himself and he was 1.43 metres tall, this week he has grown 38cm.  How tall is he now?


11. In June Mr Moran weighed 123 kg, every month he lost 6kg, how much would he weigh in February?